Monday 27 October 2014

Blogtober Day 27: Letters of love

Last year my best friend moved abroad and ever since we couldn't have been closer. It's funny the further apart we are the more we talk, have in common and enjoy hearing from each other.
"Friends are forever never apart, maybe in distance but never in heart".
Getting unexpected letters and packages in the post is the best feeling ever and today was a totes emosh one. With my birthday coming up my bestie spoiled me rotten with loads of little gifts, letters and cards. Nothing shows love like a letter/note and today with so many internet based gadgets letters are becoming uncommon, we're lucky to have a friendship that revolves around us sending letters and keeping in touch by pen and paper.Since you've Were Gone by Morgan Matson is the perfect book for us. It's about two best friends who were separated and one left behind a list for the other to complete, thing is this list isn't ordinary tasks it's things to get the friend out of her comfort zone and boost her confidence. I send the book to my bestie when I finished it and we send each other a list now too filled with the most ridiculous but fun task.  Nothing makes me happier than seeing my bestie's hand writing come through the letter box or spending hours writing a long letter to her of all the going-ons that happen. Below is a picture of all the beautiful things she sent me that I will treasure forever.

Jewelry, Halloween fake nails, pictures, letters and a... wind up eye toy just because

Do you have a pen pal or family abroad you write to? isn't it the best feeling to get a letter from someone you love in the post?
let me know all about it in the comments below
Miss T <3

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