Sunday 19 October 2014

Blogtober day 19: " I got the music in me"

I am hugely into a lot of different genres of music. I don't know what it is but when music comes on I have to turn it up and sing along, there's no point of having music on a low volume it's got to be turned up right ? Weather its pop, hip-hop or even country it wins me round once I've listened to it at least twice. Thanks to the amazing American series Nashville I really have gotten into country music, its just so darn catchy and upbeat. Growing up with an older brother in the 90's I also have a love for some of the old classics, you have to listen to what your older siblings are because you gotta be cool too.  Some of my favorite movies are based around music, Grease, Hairspray and Pitch Perfect just to name a few.
Although I want to more than anything, I've never actually learn't to play an instrument, except for the tin whistle in primary school, don't think that really counts and also the guitar in TY but it was about 8 lessons so I'm deffo not the next Jimi Hendrix.
There's a long list of musical instruments on my bucket list I would love to learn to play from bongos to the piano to one I almost got, an Ukulele which being as it is my Gap Year it might be about time I ticked some things of that list while I have the chance.
Music just has that ability to change you mood weather its sad (happy song) or with your mates getting ready for a night out (party music), to up the excitement.
Iv'e got this really bad habit of having to listen to my mp3 before I go to sleep, which isn't great because Kesha isn't doing anything for my wind down time but I do love a good mini party in the dark at 12pm.

What kind of music are you into?? whats you favorite song? let me know in the comments.
                                                             Misst T <3


  1. Great post! I love all different genres too, I'm currently loving the song Worry by Jack Garratt :)

    Abbie xx

    1. Thanks so much that really means alot <3 never heard that one must check it out x
