Tuesday 14 October 2014

Blogtober Day 14: My Gap Year Goals

I finished school in June this year and have decided to take a year out before going to college because although I've known for years what course I want to do (veterinary nursing) I really didn't feel ready to move out and go to a new place but next year I will be a whole year older and hopefully more prepared and excited to go. The thing is I absolutely do not want to waste this year. So many people have amazing gap years abroad and have great story's to tell and I want to get the most I can out of this year. Although going abroad isn't really an option for me ( I'm terrified of planes + I'm broke) I still plan on doing so much. Because I have no job (yet) or school or anything to tie me down I'm for once saying yes to anything that comes up or exciting new things I see.

So far there is a couple of things I have signed up for and do weekly and I am loving them so much.
I volunteer with the ISPCA two or three times a week and being there is like a dream has come true for me. I've always dream't of working in a rescue center or zoo.
I just started volunteering in a local charity shop which supports the Hope Foundation which aids street and slum children in India, Being free for the year when I seen they were looking for volunteers I jumped at the chance because I want to get as much different experiences as I can and by doing this I will also be helping out people.
Also I am starting soon as a volunteer with a local Youth Cafe working with children ages 8 to 12. Again a completely different experience and I'm looking forward to it so much.

I will of course be updating my blog on my Gap Year journey and I look forward to it so much. Who knows what things I'l have done my this time next year.
 With the beautiful Willow at the ISPCA.

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