Friday 17 October 2014

Blogtober Day 17: Stand Up To Cancer

Being national Cancer month and tonight being one of the biggest fundraiser in the UK for Stand Up To Cancer I can't let blogtober pass without mentioning it.  It's always said 'We've all been touched by Cancer' and it is completely true, 3 in 1 people have suffered from cancer and being 2014 it's a thing that shouldn't be happening anymore.. but it does. We all immediately feel emotional and sad when the dreaded C word is mention but I've started to feel a little different. Angry. It's not fair that kids die young or are affected for life. It's not fair that elderly people have lived a long experienced life to spend the remainder of it battling cancer. It's not fair that animals with no way of treatment have to suffer until they become unable to move.

There is continuous fundraisers out there but theres also other simple things you can do to make someone with cancer or someone who looks after someone with cancer, days better.
Visit the local children's hospital and spend the day on the ward doing crafts with the kids, painting the girls nails or simply chatting to the kids about normal life outside of their hospital wards.
Host a coffee morning and gather carers, who just as much as the patients need something other than medication, hospitals and doctors to look at.
Whatever you can do big or small it makes a difference. And I'm going to practice what I preach here and do what I can ( I may not go to the extent of dying my hair bright red for cancer like I did a few years ago though) but just like everybody I want to see the back of Cancer.

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