Tuesday 30 September 2014

'Treat the Earth well it was not given to you by your parents, it was loaned to you by your children'

Yes its September in Ireland and I am going around in shorts and a t-shirt and have a sunburn. Yes its nice to be able to do this. Yes it beats freezing you toes off and permanently having a cold for the season.

No its not right.

Having four seasons in a year is a natural beauty of this world. When things start changing there's no undoing it. Imagine thirty years from now our children will grow up without snow at Christmas without being able to cozy up beside the fire with family, without the magic colors of Autumn leaves all around them without the chill in the air as Winter comes around, With immense heat of Summer without having rainy days were you get creative and go camping inside, without the quiet chilly mornings of Spring and counting the daffodils as you make Daisy chains.
These are things we have taking for granted for years and now as global warming is clearly taking place all around us , now is the time we miss them. People go about their days thinking its 'just the weather' but this is the Earth fighting against air pollution, water pollution, gas emissions, deforestation and anything else we throw at the beautiful place that we call home. It's so easy to give only one ear to people talking about global warming and the effects its having, but now as I sit here on the last day of September when normally I would be leaving the house when its a beautiful quiet dark morning and coming home when its a chilly dark evening but instead having bright mornings and evenings with not a single chill in the air, its now  I notice the changes. The fact that I have to leave my window open at night because it's too warm, the fact I had an ice lolly yesterday, the fact that this year when I go trick or treating I won't secretly be wearing two jumpers and three pairs of trousers under my Halloween costume and the fact that normally the most exciting thing about Christmas is getting the call each morning saying school is cancelled for a snow day but now we haven't had snow in two years.

There shouldn't be people 'fighting' for the environment it should be a natural way of life amongest every human on the planet. The environment is not nothing without us, we are nothing without it. It's so simple to talk about making a change or doing something different but to act is a whole different word.
I believe the world can be a much more beautiful place if only people didn't think of wealth, power, jobs, status, time and business, but instead thought of.... others.

It is 2014 their should not be be people living on the streets
                their should not be animals being treated cruelly
                their should not be people fighting to save the Earth
All of these things have simple answers ... Act now.

There are fully built houses falling apart around the world you see them on every side road, and yet there is still homeless people laying on the streets every night facing unimaginable things and there is people fighting to help these people. I think the answer is simple. Give these houses to the homeless people and make their lives better because everybody deserves to live a happy life. Forget the money involved think about human beings and what a change it will make to their lives. As they have a safe place to live they will become happy and following a circle of giving they would give back to help others.

There is no excuse for animal cruelty. I don't know who humans think they are to harm another living being but it has to stop now. Look at the animal charities around the world and the difficulties they have to face because someone has thrown a bag of puppies into a river, left a trap out for a hedgehog to be caught in or thrown rubbish into the sea for sea lions to get trapped in. The Earth is a home to animals just as much as it is to us and now is the time to start treating animals the way they deserve which is to live in their natural environments and live long peaceful lives.

I know as an eighteen year old I'm not going to change the ways of thousands of people but I'm going to dam well try and make a difference to the way I live. Maybe those of you reading this will think what can you do to not help, but to give back to the Earth and allow it to stay a beautiful place for future generations.

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