As a couple, and both of us separately, we have never celebrated Valentines before so this year was extra special for us. We spent the day a bit non traditionally but in our own kind of way, at the beach... on a freezing February day in Ireland I might add. We took the bus out to the beach wrapped in as many warm clothes as possible then walked from the entrance to the beach all the way along the shore front spotting unique shells and stones. I'm thinking a romcom coming along here..
We managed to find this throne made of stones which was a perfect place to rest looking out at the views and have a sandwich.. although here is where disaster number 1 happened.. there was a dead fly in my sandwich...
The thing I love about going to the beach off season is how quiet it is there and it really felt like just us in our own little bubble really taking in how lucky we are to be able to see such a beautiful place.
After spending about two hours walking along the beach we stopped in the local traditional pub for hot chocolate before getting the bus back to town.
We decided to be traditional here and go out for dinner.. which is where disaster number 2 happened.. a mix up with the orders left me, a vegetarian eating meat for the first time in 3 years. okay it was only half a spring roll but it made me feel ill so I didn't eat after that but of course himself was starving and still had his dinner.
After that disaster we decided to become hermits and live in a fort away from the real world.. no really we built this cute little fort out of blankets draped over chairs with some candles and glow sticks to light it up inside. Along with our munchies and a good movie we had a really enjoyable evening. Again in away from the world in our own little crazy bubble.. picture this a student accommodation building with house party's and lots of people.. then there's us in a fort in the room next door.. yeah it was a memorable first Valentines alright.

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