Thursday, 25 January 2018

Bullet Journal: Next 4 Pages

My Bullet Journal journey continues...

I'm a complete numpty at saying "oh yeah, sometime" or letting things and opportunities constantly pass me by.  This page is dedicated to me stopping that and starting to say yes. It could be simple little things as going for coffee with a friend, to new events to push myself to get out there more.  Everything that pops up lately I'm going to add to this page and use it as encouragement to tick off.

Another day, another bucket list.
This one is dedicated to our new area, after moving. Donegal is famous for lots of things, one of those being the scenic views which I tried to tie in with the design for the bubble in the middle of the page. 
We're in a totally new area and that means lots of things to tick off while we're here from little things like trying the local drink (what even is Football Special) to climbing the biggest mountain in the area.

This page, I absolutely love after spotting similar posts on Pinterest. My old school dodgy tvs are where I keep track of the series I'm currently watching and what episodes I'm on. Simple yet very effective. 

One of my favorite pages is my read tracker. I've set a goal for the year to read a minimum 20 books to get back into my passion and I love the idea of keeping the name and author of the book to look back on and even re-read. I added in little book quotes on the open book page such as the classic Dr.Seus 'you can find magic wherever you look, sit back and relax all you need is a book'.

I'll be honest I haven't had a lot of time to be creative and add new pages lately, starting new classes and lots of assignments on day one its been very hectic but hopefully, when I settle down I'll get back to my perfectly organized colored pens. 

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