Then I received an amazing journal.
I got inspiration for making this book my little escape in my spare time with my colors and just be creative and be me. I'm a list girl and schedule everything I possibly can, so keeping all my thoughts, lists, goals and notes together in one book in a creative way is my idea of a day well spent.
I've scoured Pinterest and Instagram for inspiration and ideas for pages and have planned out some of my favorites, all in three days back to back I drew, colored and wrote for hours on end and had the most inspirational and motivating start to the year. Here are my pages so far...
I had to start the book with a celebration of the new year, my plan was for a black background with lots of colored fireworks. It somewhat worked and then I decided I would write some of my little hopes and goals for the year, things I want to accomplish that I have been talking about for years and things I want to continue doing that makes me happy.
On the inside cover page, I've been writing down ideas for pages to keep track.
We have been talking about traveling and trying to save the bit we can for over a year but after Rich got me the travel fund money box seen in my birthday post we have finally set in stone this is it we are putting away money to live our lives exploring instead of wasting pennies on silly possessions. So our goal is to put away €2 every day each which will be €728 each, not a bad headstart at an adventure. I found this little money jar drawing to keep track of our total and think its so fun to watch the color filling up.
Anyone who knows me knows I'm a total book nerd but lately, I've been in a totally reading rut (after reading a not so great series which consisted of three books that took me six months to read, normally it would take me two weeks it was so antagonizing to read each day) but I am determined to get back into reading some amazing pieces that I have seen recommend a lot and have on my TBR list for a year.
Being a book nerd, I loved this little bookshelf drawing to keep track of the books I want to read.
I added in a nice little travel quote at the end for that extra inspiration.
I'm constantly wanting to learn new things ( I may lose interest after a day though) and there are so many things that I have been dreaming about for years, nows the time to stop dreaming and actually learn.
I have a lot of blank space here to fill up with more and more of my crazy ideas of things to learn.

This 'year in pixels' was a really interesting one for me after seeing peoples 2017 being shared on New Years Day I thought it was amazing to look back and see how you felt on each day of the year. I am to try and make this a positive year and not have many of the same days, unless they're all amazing.
After two months off college (due to being out on placement) I am actually so excited to get back into study and lucky for me (much sarcasm) I have my exams coming up in January (they really know how to let you have a nice Christmas) and I've been waiting to make a study plan for weeks, until now. I like to add this kind of thing into my journal to look back on in a few years and see the subjects I did.
The blank page beside is where I will write in my timetable for the next two semesters. As I will be going back into first year to do modules I missed (long story, I got direct entry into 2nd year) and then back into continuing on my second-year modules I need some form of organization to know where I'm at.
This is by far my favorite page, mainly because it actually turned out quite well and they actually look like polaroids which is a shock (refer to my stickman statement). I like the idea of writing memories down in short word sentences instead of just pictures.
I, of course, have a sampling page at the back of the book to write out some of my favorite fonts to use throughout the book.
I am so excited to continue on my bullet journal adventure and be more creative each day for the next year and onwards.
Do you bullet journal? what are some of your must-have pieces in your journal?
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