Monday, 12 September 2016


I have become addicted to following bookstagram people on Instragram who daily upload pictures of their 'shelfies' and being a book lover and someone who thinks organizing by colour is simply genius I got on board and have organised my own books into little categories.

My animal books are first on the shelf as they'r he main ones I use. After putting them in colour order I placed some of my animal ornaments around the books to emphasize this is the Animal Section. 

Although this is a mixture of books I do like this section as I love dark mysterious looking things and I think this shelf has got this. I kept my favourite books the Morganville Vampire series in order along with a Charles Dickson collection then the rest are random books.

I was worried about this looking a bit cultured as I tried to capture the Harry Potter shelf that many Bookstgram accounts have. It obviously includes the series but also any Potter memorabilia I have including posters and letters  I made, my wand and my little Ron vinyl Pop figure.

I also put my potion bottles that I collected and was given on this shelf as it adds to the Harry Potter theme.

Lastly my recipe books which annoyingly I just noticed aren't in colour order but this shelf is an issue as short girl problems come into play when trying to reach this shelf as it is so perhaps I will let the colour order rest for this shelf. 

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