Next on to the puppppppies. Three weeks ago Willow, a dog brought in to the NAC, gave birth and I can tell you they are the cutest. Jessie a fantastic foster mum and Amelia a little puppy are residents in the cattery right now. There also three six week old foster puppies in cattery Madison, Sebastian and.. sugar I can't remember the other one's name.. so many puppies + cats, so many names. I had to get hot water bottles ready and do up food soaked with warm water for these spoilt little puppies.
Monday is weighing day and every dog there has to be weighed so after the fun of getting the puppies to stay on the scale, we went and helped the other staff who were on kennels to weigh all of those dogs.
Just before finishing for the day a gorgeous little hedgehog came in. He had falling down a drain and became dehydrated. After setting up his bed with an infra red lamp, some cat food and lots of towels we left him to recover for the night.
Just strolling round doing the laundry with Amelia in my hoodie.

Willows gorgeous bunch.
Volunteering is an amazing way to spend a Gap Year weather its abroad or at home there is a wide range of organisations and charity's who depend on volunteers.
Have you ever taken a Gap year or volunteered with a charity, let me know in the comments I'd love to hear all your stories.
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