Today was by far one of the best days volunteering at the ISPCA not just because all the staff surprised me with a cake and a lovely card signed from them all, but because it was the busiest and most active day. I was on Cattery today, as I'm pretty sure mentioned before, the new born puppies and foster puppies live in Cattery too so it aint just cats. Thirteen puppies, two mummy dogs and god knows how many cats equals a lot of mess and it was just endless today, the minute you clean up after one another's going in the corner. Cleaning took us up till break and the thing thats had a smile on my face all day. All the staff were in today which was unusual but made it brilliant so when I went up for tea they were all sitting down asking me how I was and everything, the thing that made me suspicious though was the biscuits and cake on the table that no one was eating, which isn't normal for this place its a help yourself kind of canteen. Then came in my volunteer coordinator with another bigger cake lit up with candles and everyone sang happy birthday and they gave me the card. While I dished up the cake ("I wouldn't have any left for myself the way I was going" according to one of the them) they all brought in extra chairs, being so many in there wasn't room for us all and we had a nice relaxing break with a scrumpsh cake.
Back to work and finishing off the last of the cleaning it was time for food, walks more cleaning, getting a bed set up for a new cat coming in, some more cleaning, picture taking and lastly.. You guessed it just a little bit more cleaning.
This brought us to lunch which was awfully quiet as most of them work through lunch so I had a good read of the Xpose Magazine. After lunch it was time to clean some kittens eyes, prepare all the cats foods for the evening, walk the mummy dogs, wash litter trays (as disgusting as it sounds), clean the rabbits hutch plus spoil them with some bunny biscuits and also clean out the Canary's cage.
By the time I had all this done it was clocking off time. After saying good bye to each of the puppies, mummy's and cats I went home full of joy at how kind everyone was and how much effort they put in to wish me a happy birthday. Volunteering here has deffo been one of my best choices and I will never forget how amazing it has been.. not even finished there yet so lots more to come.