Saturday 5 September 2015

My Gap Year comes to a close

It's official my Gap Year is over, I've had my last days of volunteering and have started moving out for college. It's hard for me to explain just how much this year has made a difference for me. A year ago I was having trouble going anywhere, wasn't interested in doing anything and even the thought of going to college terrified me. Now.. its just incredible. I have so much confidence that for a girl who was always quiet, didn't have a lot of friends and used to spend a lot of time by myself, has changed me completely, I put myself out there without a second thought now from the little things to going shopping by myself to travelling to a friends birthday ( a friend I met at a festival and didn't know anyone else there).
This year not only gave me amazing experiences and thought me so much that will benefit me in the work I want to do, it (as my mum says) gave back the real me, it put the smile back on my face and gave me a purpose in life.
I can not describe the excitement that is inside me for all the endless possibilities I have yet to come, meeting my flatmates, starting my college course and living away from home. Then who knows where I will go from there. One things for sure I'm going to grab every opportunity I can, thats one thing I learn't for sure in this year. To quote all the teenagers out there.. You Only Live Once, Live While Your Young.

1 comment:

  1. Nice to see how far you've come and the obstacles you've faced and passed 😊
