Saturday, 12 September 2015

Mamas surprise 😊

On the day my mum brought me down to my student accommodation to stay for college it was emotional to say the lease but we kept it simple and we knew we'd see each other the following week anyway.
I happen to have my friend over and we were planning on going out and I presumed it was her bag under my desk until I moved it and she said I wasn't hers then I knew my mum left it there. My friend told me not to open it until the next day when I was by myself and could enjoy it, she also knew id be a wreck going out if I looked at it.
So the next day when I was by myself relaxing (recovering) I had a great time going through the little surprises  that she put together for me and being a mum she put in all the necessities that I needed but forgot such as toothbrushes and even plasters because hey we all know I wasn't getting through a week without ending up in hospital.

 Good auld mammy putting in the treats

Saturday, 5 September 2015

Making my dorm room Homely

I've been moving bits a bobs (mostly clothes) into my college  flat room for awhile now and its slowly starting to look a bit more homely. I've brought with me candles and tokens such as quotes that mean alot to me to remember home and brighten up the room.
It took some getting used to but now three months it's defiantly.. eh lived in 

My Gap Year comes to a close

It's official my Gap Year is over, I've had my last days of volunteering and have started moving out for college. It's hard for me to explain just how much this year has made a difference for me. A year ago I was having trouble going anywhere, wasn't interested in doing anything and even the thought of going to college terrified me. Now.. its just incredible. I have so much confidence that for a girl who was always quiet, didn't have a lot of friends and used to spend a lot of time by myself, has changed me completely, I put myself out there without a second thought now from the little things to going shopping by myself to travelling to a friends birthday ( a friend I met at a festival and didn't know anyone else there).
This year not only gave me amazing experiences and thought me so much that will benefit me in the work I want to do, it (as my mum says) gave back the real me, it put the smile back on my face and gave me a purpose in life.
I can not describe the excitement that is inside me for all the endless possibilities I have yet to come, meeting my flatmates, starting my college course and living away from home. Then who knows where I will go from there. One things for sure I'm going to grab every opportunity I can, thats one thing I learn't for sure in this year. To quote all the teenagers out there.. You Only Live Once, Live While Your Young.

Friday, 4 September 2015

Letters Of Love

Even though my best friend has moved back to our hometown, I am moving away for college and it'll be hard to keep in touch so were going to keep up with writing and sending little parcels to each other mainly because we love it so much and it really it is a great way to keep in touch and hear everything that's going on in each others lives.

One of the best things about sending parcels to each other is the random little things we make that are so special and meaningful.

I made these little quote cards and a dreamcatcher for this parcel.

I had an old disposable camera that had only a few pictures taken so I passed it on to her to take random and wild pictures so I'll have a surprise when I'm developing it.

My Best Friend in the whole wide world is getting married and no one other that her could be as excited as I am, I made this little card and sent it with a necklace that was handed down to me from a relative who had it for over 60 years.

 Lastly I added one of my favorite pictures of us which was taken on my trip to England to visit her... one of the best trips of my life. 

The Excitement is real

I've just been accepted to College and this week I've been moving my bits into my new room in student accommodation sharing with two others. I am soooo unbelievably excited from hanging pictures in my room to getting my own cleaning products and making my bed.
The little things like having my own key and locking up as I leave, walking into town to get bits and having my family over are probably the same feelings all first years have... It's official I'm an adult.
I'm turning 20 next month and with moving out, getting my Learner's permit, paying bills and sorting out all the paperwork needed for college I can safely say I'm enjoying the first real taste of adult life.. we'll see how long that lasts though.