Saturday, 16 May 2015

Mortifying interview

A Year ago when I embarked on my Gap Year I applied to as many different things as I could. One of them was the Irish Therapy Dogs and today me and Bobby finally had our assessment. ITD is an oraganisation that go around to care homes and spend time with resisdents and I really thought Bobby would be good at this as he loves meeting people and that tail never stops wagging.

I wasn't expecting awhole interview set up and to say interviews aren't Bobbys forte is an understatment. He wined through the WHOLE thing, at one point she asked me was there something wrong with him. He refused to look at or to even accknowlegde the lady and when I had to try on the uniform in a seperate room he went balistic. Then do I even dare mention.. them wooden floors. Nails, a slippery wooden floor and a dog used to carpets do not make a good mix.

We couldn't have gotten out of there quicker and to be honest I think they thought the same.

Afterwards though it was quite funny to think he just complelty acted the brat but thats our Bob, the hyper little devil who can't sit still for a minute.

Lucky enough the assessment was in the hotel accross from the beach so we got to spend awhile there and to wear off  some of that energy. I don't think the expereince affected Bobby to much, he got to go into a fancy hotel, tear around an empty beach and have chips for dinner.
It's fair to say though he is certainly not made for the working life.

This is how he has currently spent the rest of the day.

Sunday, 10 May 2015

Don't know what this is.. but I love it

I'd seen a local marching band a few times and always wanted to join, so I did. The main reason I joined was because I wanted to play the snare drum, but it being a Flute Band they needed more flute players (as you do) so I was roped into playing the flute. Now people don't really how hard the flute actually is, took me a good two weeks to even get a noise out of it. But once I did I was flying it and Today I had my first parade with the band.
Now heres the other thing about the band that I didn't know.. its basically a Republican movement thing seirously in support of Sinn Fein... Don't ask me what it is or what I support because I haven't a clue, I just joined to play the drum and have a laugh.
So todays parade was a Sean McDermort Commeration (don't know either) and it was actually the best day ever.
We like to arrive in style of course.. about 16 of us in the back of a van. One of the lads turns to me, as we we bump along the old road and hang on for dear life, "welcome to the band". What made this even better was the other proffesional band arriving in a huge coach and arriving fashionably late.
After the mile or so parade into town we had sandwhiches and cakes in the communtiy centre and then the real fun began. The two bands and a few members or the public squeeshed into the local pub and we spent the evening playing with every bit of strenght we had left.
It really was a great evening and I felt like part of the family like they did everything they could to include me and we had so many laughs.
The journey home was as unexpected as everything else that happened that night. I got a lift home with the lads and if they weren't singing at the top of the voices they were talking about the scenery. Randomly they decided to stop in town at one of the pubs, and I had no choice but to tag along. Again they never left me standing like a plum on my own, they'd always be talking to me, buying me drinks or giving me jackets to stay warm. After a crazy eveing including hen partys, an American man and planning my wedding we finally all headed home (although now an extra person in the car, so you can guess who being the smallest had to sit on knees).
It's fair to say I'm not the awkard newbie that barely spoke to anyone anymore... All I can say is roll on the next parade.

Wednesday, 6 May 2015

Foster Puppy: Penelope

This has got to be the best start to the week.. On my way up to the animal center to volunteer I was asked would I be able to foster a puppy for awhile as they are really struggling for space, now I don't think there's anyone who would turn down a puppy and especially when you see her.

I squealed with excitement at her sheer cuteness when I seen her. She is a 7-8 week old Staffie pup, there not quite sure yet but thats our guess.
After a long day of work I finally got to bring Penelope home. I packed her blankets, bed, food and toys and she followed me up to the car.. which lucky enough tired her out and she slept the whole way home. After a little meeting with Bobby and Millie, Penelope fitted right in and made her self at home. Penelope didn't make strange at all which is a great thing about her age, although she had some trouble with the stairs.. okay going up, going down = big problem. I really love this little girl and am so lucky to be able to help her on the start of her journey to a long life.
Penelope is of course an adorable little pup, but pup she is. Shes constantly chewing everything, including feet, and she obviously isn't toilet trained yet but I can't help but love her as she is only a little baby really.

We brought Penelope out to the farm for a stroll (okay I eneded up carrying her as she got tired) and she absoutly loved it, lots of new smells and loads of space to roam, althought she never goes far from my feet.

I also brought Penelope with me when I went volunteering to the centre for the day as they said it would give both of us a break to chill and be back in surroundings we were familular with. Penny absoutly loved her day relaxing with a lovely lurcher dog and was waited on hand and foot.

Shes had quite the adventure for a little pup in just a few days.. shes been all around the village (with EVERYONE admiring her) and shes been into town  (and again everyone admiring her), her first bubble bath and also she had a handmade little jumper made for her by me out of an old pair of pajamma bottoms.

Penelope was with me from the 14th of April till the 1st of May and she certainly made her self at home. By the end of it her and Bobby were two best friends and the best moments had to be when I walked them and Penelope would take Bobbys lead in her mouth and the two of them would set of walking together.

I had Penny with me in work one day when a lovely couple came in looking for a cats. By sheer luck I brought Pen with me down to show them the cats and from the moment they seen her they fell in love and boy did she love them two. They were the nicest people ever and I spent a good hour and a half with them and couldn't be more delighted they were taking Pen because I knew for sure she was going to be so looked after and spoilt rotten.

It was of course a little emotional saying goodbye but the lovely couple are going to bring her back to see me as she gets bigger. Luckily enough I got an adorable pink collar and lovely chew toy for Pen and she got to bring these with her.
All I can say now is, I know where ever Penelope is now she is happy and going to have a happy life

Tuesday, 5 May 2015

Festival Vibes

All I have ever wanted to do is go to a music festival and experience the extreme buzz of the music, the being in dire need of a shower from the camping and madness that goes on at any time day or night. I don't know how I have never came accross this before but volunteering at festival is a thing,, like you get into the festival for free, get to work backstage and have the most amazing weekend ever, and I'm only learning about this now how?
So over the past week, as you can imagine, I have been applying for ever Festival that I come across.. and all I have to say is the Summer is shaping up to be amazing.

Heres what my plans are looking like

Life Festival 29th-31st of May Only just heard about this and can't believe how amazing it sounds with colour dash, beach party and all night raves.

Bhakti Fest 12-14th Of June Loved this festival last year and this year I'm going to be camping aswell so its going to be more amazing getting into the whole atmosphere.


Cowboys and Heroes Festival 17th-19th of July Randomly got roped into (no pun intended) this through volunteering at the ISPCA.

If you have the chance to volunteer at a festival go for it, I haven't even gone yet but know I'm going to be recommending it to everyone and doing it again and again each year.