First stop was Mullaghmore in Sligo. I remember passing through here years ago on holidays but the main reason we went here was because from the main road you can see this incredible castle on top of a hill looking out to sea and we wanted to see it up close. Unfortunately, we couldn't go to the castle as its actually still in use with some people living there but we pulled up by the pier to take a walk and nosey around the village. Now I don't know if this is due to the weather warning, it being so windy we got blown over or if this village is always like this but it was DESERTED, like completely no one else around, all business closed no other moving people as we pulled up it felt pre-apocalypse. As we piled on all our layers (while fighting the wind) this beautiful collie came out of nowhere and sat beside us then proceeded to follow us around our whole walk, it was emotional leaving him. We took a walk down to the pier very briefly as the second we rounded the sea walls we were getting blown away but we had enough time to take some photos (which I don't have many as they didn't save for some reason) and spot a cat very randomly chilling on the rocks down by the water (he was okay I checked, just enjoying his trip to the seaside). We then went up the road a bit to take a quick walk along the beach before the clouds got even darker and our hands froze.

After this very cold adventure, we then went back on the road heading for Ballyshannon. Now no offense to the people of BS but gosh this is another deserted town. We took the quickest walk around looking for somewhere to eat (and pee) but everything was shut down and old so went back on the road heading out of town but came across a massive bridge that Richard just had to cross over (with me hanging on to him terrified of all lorries that went over us). On the bridge, we looked out on a massive dam which we had seen from the road and always wanted to check out so it was one thing ticked off in this place.
We then went on to Donegal town, which was again a little bit of a let down as we expected it to be the heart of Donegal but it was more like the fingernail. We did find a lovely little cafe down an alley (not dodgey) and had lovely soup and sandwhiches before getting back on the road and heading home this time.
This is what lifes all about isnt it? getting out their when ever you can and exploring, seeing and doing as much as you can. And we hope to do alot more of this.
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