Christmas this year was a little unchristmassy as on Christmas Eve I came down ill, and I came down hard. So I spent the entire night up with my dad and brother looking after me and then sleeping all of Christmas day as the rest of my family enjoyed Christmas dinner (inserted sad violin) but hey I was well enough to get up for our usually tradition of exchanging gifts in my parents room first thing in the morning and then in the evening opening presents from other family and friends.
Plus I can't completely complain that I missed Christmas as my boyfriend and I had our own mini Christmas in our apartment before we came home to our families so I still had the whole Brussels sprouts, bucks fizz and mince pies shebang.
Christmas for me is all about spoiling my family and we had the best time beforehand going around lots of shops searching for the perfect thing to sit back and smirk at while they open (we all do it right?). So as well as giving gifts, I received some amazing ones and would love to share them because they are so cute and I mean who doesn't love a little nosey at birthday/Christmas hauls.
My boyfriend completely blew me away with his thoughtful gifts this year (soppy ew!). I mean this is the guy who got me a calendar for my 21st birthday (WE SHALL NEVER FORGET!) so when I saw how much thought he actually put into picking out these little bits made me cry, I kid you not the dog book made me snot cry.

There aren't enough words for this beautiful Harry Potter charm bracelet, little insight it has spells written on the charms for that extra magic. This GORGEOUS diary is almost too beautiful to use, he knew I would love the old style bohemian cover (he also told me it took him a good 10 minutes to pick which one to get). This little dog book is the one thing I lost my head over, now it may sound crazy but I'm a total dog mom and this is basically a baby book for your dog where you can write all about him and his favorite things, memories, stick photos and there are even recipes for dog treats and a vaccination and health record part, it is just incredible to have a little book to keep all the deets of my boy in one place to treasure forever. Lastly but never leastly is this adorable travel fund money box, it's so simple but SO cute. We've been talking about traveling for over a year and we will do it now with this.

My brother is insane with presents like he always goes OTT and he really did again this year with EVERYTHING being Harry Potter I mean even down to the adorable tea towels. Also, a little hard to see, are two notebooks, a picture frame, bauble, light, socks and hanging decoration. His girlfriend who is practically my sister-in-law got me the amazing Hogwarts pajama set which even includes an eye mask which I badly need (Rich being a night owl has all the lights on when I'm trying to sleep). All of these are from Penny's/Primark's incredible HP range that is so so magical, just look at the detail on the pajama set box.
A gift for both Rich and I are these super cool Boss Man and Boss Lady mugs from his mum, perfect for our new home.
From friends, I got this adorable rose room fragrance, an amazing necklace that actually looks like my dog and a lovely little bath set.
Also from Santa, I got this brilliant toothbrush set, which anyone who travels will understand, your forever needing to buy new toothbrushes because you leave yours in the last place you stayed, this way I have one for each place.
Lastly, is it really Christmas if you don't get lots of chocolates?
All in all, I had a lovely Christmas with family, I hope you all had a brilliant one and an adventurous New Year <3