After a hectic weekend I wanted a chill day and what better way to do it then a movie in bed pajama day. I got What If the other day and thought it would be a perfect chill out movie. It is literally what it says on the box 'a perfect date night movie'... if only I had a date. It's your typical boy meets girl, girl has boyfriend movie, who doesn't love a good rom-com. It was a nice movie, I hate to say just nice but it didn't blow me away, didn't have the wow factor or give me the feeling of 'man that was the best movie I've ever seen'. It really is a movie to watch with the girls, date night or just to chill by yourself. Maybe I'm just more of an action kind of girl, forget the chick flicks but if unlikely love story's are your thing this is definitely one for you.

I'll be honest with this one it wasn't my favorite, and the ending kind of was just like 'oh we're running out of time quick come up with an ending'. I guess if you're in the mood for a rom com chick flick kinda movie this definitely matches that criteria and hey Jason Segal.. whats not to love.
Remember this movie was in dublin I think was really good I recommend it too 😃