We're old school romantics at heart and since I got my license we want to get out and explore more. So to do that obviously you need food. We decided the other day to take off for the day to the Bluebell Wood, seen in my previous post, another adventure Forest Park and then for a scenic drive home. I wanted to make our picnic we brought with us a bit more special than just your typical sandwiches and fruit so I did some research and found these brilliant ideas.
As I said, I wanted to make this picnic different and what could be more different than sandwiches on sticks.
Is it weird that is was satisfying to make these? there was just something about being creative and getting hands in with making these that was just really fun. They also tasted AMAZING because we made them fresh.
Because we were going for the whole day I wanted to make something that would fill us up and thought of a yummy, simple pasta salad with sweetcorn and tuna for healthiness.
When you think of a picnic, along with sandwiches you have fruit but instead of bringing loads of separate pieces of fruit I want to make a fruit salad with a difference. I came across this brilliant idea to serve fruit in a watermelon and thought it would look so cool on the picnic mat. Rich took charge of this one and kinda went his own way with how it looked but hey it worked.
We really had a great day together feeling really loved up in the outdoors exploring the woods. We even seen four deer's run by us in the middle of the forest. Okay we picked the worst day to go as the weather wasn't as good as it was the day before or the next day after but we had fun eating in the car. On our way home after all that walking we stopped for a hot chocolate and some apple pie in a local cafe I used to go alot to as a kid.