Saturday, 26 April 2014

Craft's Galore

Today I went a bit overload on the make and do section, the Sun was well and truly out so I spend the day outside making a whole bunch of little crafts.

First off I got a paper craft book for Easter and with over 20 easy paper craft's to select from I was in heaven. The book if anyone is interested (which I pretty sure you will be once you see the adorable
little projects) is called Perfect Paper craft Cards and Gifts by Parragon.

When I had gotten over the hard struggle of choosing my first project I started to work on this simple yet effective decoration. To be honest it was a little tricky and fiddle but once I got the hang of it, it was plane sailing. The patterns and colours are so pretty and the 3D effect is pretty awesome.
Then by sheer shock I had missed it in the first place I came across this little Hen birthday card. Me being a HUGE fan of animals couldn't resist and it was so simple to make. There is a small square space to write your greetings but I'll be hanging on to this myself, it's to cute to let fly away to someone else.
Next up I came across this adorable pop up tea cup/card. It is just such a nice idea, with space on the teabag to ask someone to Tea. Along with saucer and spoon it'l will make a beautiful
Finally in the paper craft section I found this 5 sided photo display which I thought instantly will make a perfect present for someone. These are a fantastic idea to display treasured pictures as this can easily be changed and yet still have five on display.

Lastly for the day of my crafting spree, it being very
summery weather I decided to make a flower headband. If your a follower of my YouTube channel MissT you may have seen a tutorial I did on a Adorable Fabric Flower Garland. This headband is made the exact same way and I think even twice as pretty. Fabric Flowers are the simplest thing to make and are so beautiful. The band in fact was a band that came tied to new pyjamas, holding them together and it exactly fitted around my head and I thought would be perfect for a hair band.

Thursday, 24 April 2014

Wildlife Garden Week Three

As Spring arrived lucky for us the sun has appeared too and I have spent every day in the garden getting plenty of work done making the most of the weather.I picked up some flower seeds and a foxglove plant and have them now set.

I decided to make some signs for the pond and hedgehog house to add a bit of decoration to the garden and make it even more colourful. I used some spare plywood and just basic poster paints.

I admit its one crazy looking frog but I'm pretty sure they won't be offended.

Work on the pond came along great in fact I finished it. Although it took its time. I was sat crossed legged in a field picking stones till the sun faded. The stones were taking up when a drain was cleared and were not needed so I took advantage of this and the beautiful natural colours of the stones were perfect for the pond. After then setting each stone down around the pond it was finally finished.

Wildlife Garen Week Two

Week two on the garden was exciting as the fence went up the garden started to take place. I began laying down a path and started building the insect hotel, strange as it sounds is a great idea to use old pallets to make a home for thousands of insects.

                                           Wooden path made from old fence post's halved.

Using an old sink propped up by an old school desk I made an adorable bird bath hopefully for the many birds that will visit the garden. The main tree that the garden is built around is blooming in berries that will attract birds from near and far. Eventually I hope to plant some more bird attracting plants around the bath to blend it into the scenery more.

                                                        Bird Bath in progress.

One of the main ideas I found when researching the garden was an insect hotel which is a fantastic idea if you have space and a few old pallets lying round. A natural environment for many creatures.

Insect hotel made from old pallets. Hidey holes filled with twigs, acorns, moss or any natural supply's you can find around the environment.

Lastly one of my favourite features in the garden. A pond. This was a rather spur of the moment project as I had the space and their is already frogs roaming around. I simply dug a hole and then laid down some leftover plastic I had and began laying stones around the edges.

Wildlife Garden Week One

During the long boring day's of summer 2013 with the scorching good weather I decided to make a wildlife garden out on our farm. Being a huge enthusiastic of conservation I jumped at the chance to make a difference to the decline in even the smallest animals from frogs to hedgehogs and bee's to butterflies. So when February came around this year I began the work on my E co-friendly garden.

                                                       This is what I had to work with.

We started out simply fencing off the area, then I began making little projects that I found by spending endless hours searching Google. Mostly everything in the garden is/will be made from recycled items that are lying around waiting to be used. There is endless ideas for little or large areas that will make not only beautiful additions to your garden but will become the home to many little creatures.

The first little addition to the garden. A simple drink bottle stuffed with corrugated cardboard perfect home for creepy crawlies.
A great recycling project I found was a use for old wellie boots. By cutting a small hold in the centre of the boot you make a door for the birds to start making their home. Adding a roof (tin) tied on with sting is all the work needed .

As it was the middle of February when I begun the project and it being Ireland I was up to my neck in water and therefore didn't get a lot of work done in the early weeks. 

Stay tuned to see how the project develops.

Easter bakes and Decor

Spring has officially arrived, show me the pastels, chocy eggs and daffodils. I'm really feeling the spirit and decided to make some Easter decorations which are really simple to make yet very effective.

I started off with a simple adorable Bunny Banner. The supply's you need are some different coloured paper ( I choose spring pastels), string/wool, scissors and some pom pom's for tails. I also found this bunny template as I am the worlds worst artiest.

This by magic turn into an adorable banner. Simply trace a bunny onto each different coloured paper, cut out and evenly space glue onto some string/wool then add a pom pom as a tail

Next up my specially, turning paper rolls into beautiful art pieces. Hence the 'Bunny Bunch'

Which started out as simple loo rolls. Cut in half then using the part you don't need as a body cut out ears and a bow-tie. Prettily painted and using a marker to draw eyes and whiskers, finish off with a pom pom as a nose.
Now the cutest little thing you can get from a plastic spoon. Originally these were meant to be place names but I decided their just as cute as little decorations stood in some oasis decorated with shredded paper and foam eggs.

Simply pain plastic takeaway spoons, add a beak and eyes then top it off with a little bow.

Now on to the good stuff. CAKE.
 I used a basic Sponge cake recipe:
100g Self-Raising flour
100g Caster Sugar
50g Butter                            
 Few drops of Vanilla extract.
  • Butter Cream Icing:
  • 50g unsalted butter               
  • 225g icing sugar
  • .2 tbsp water                      
  • 1tsp Vanilla extract.

After covering the top of the cake in butter cream icing I piped a small nest in the centre of the cake and filled it with mini eggs and placed them all around the edge of the cake.

After the Bunny Banner was hung up I set the table in a very festive way with an Easter tablecloth and  my Décor along with the cake as a centrepiece and some bunny buns I also made but didn't exactly work.